Thursday, June 28, 2012

the biggest decline a share created during the one-day. In this regard

129836519501250000_90Chen Zhenyu credit funds: preferred underestimated the value of merit, blue-chip On Monday, the biggest decline a share created during the one-day. In this regard, is offering flexible configuration of proposed investment fund managers, credit funds, General Manager Chen Zhenyu believes that the fell is only a short-term psychological and financial effects of flow turbulence in the long run not pessimistic, future policy will stimulate the a shares more structured opportunities. On the configuration, said Chen ZhenyuFocuses on underestimated the value of merit of blue-chip stocks|diablo 3 power leveling, financial services, food and beverages for the first; hedge investment policies to benefit from the decline of industry, such as water resources, energy conservation and environmental protection, health care, education and other related industry; benefited from lowered production costs, stable growth in the industry, such as branded clothing. On the stock selection strategies, Chen Zhenyu believes that investors under the adhering to the value investing philosophy, long EnterpriseCore competitive advantages and growth focus. However, on the specific investments, will also sound policy. "Stock prices not including with corporate profits improving expectations about, also related to the emotions of market participants, the" Black Monday "cause of the depressed market participants, it also needs to track the emotions of market participants, from investment behavior analysisLooking for investment ideas. ��

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