Monday, June 11, 2012

that news is free of charge. Save in addition to subscribe and purchase fees wow power leveling th

129822627312500000_48Comment: "free online" on the reader is not good Read the newspapers, is a need, is a kind of enjoyment. When you hurry, fast flip, swept the titles wow power leveling, generally to capture social dynamics; idle time, careful reading, right in front of the world. Wait a minute Diablo 3 gold, it seems new era and a little tune. Many of my friends said, by computer, iPad, or cell phone, enter news site or newsletters, not only the same effect, even moreIt. This "new" trend, in fact, is not new. More than 10 years, the development of network technology, brought about a trend, domestic supply of almost all of the newspapers on the Web; in addition, there are also some free news website. This is the emerging market TERA Gold, traditional media in droves if no electronic, so you'd think out, keep up with the information age. Read online have littleCosts, all kinds of news and information. It also created a concept, that news is free of charge. Save in addition to subscribe and purchase fees, some Internet users can be online slot, got a cheap or arrogant, good time. In fact, there is no free lunch, there is no free news and information. Free Internet access when a reader while reading, there are certainly other people to pay extraCost of these costs, passed on to the newspapers, advertisers and purchase consumers. Free readers continue to increase, followed the loss of traditional readers, newspaper costs have skyrocketed and newspaper level is on the wane. Traditional newspapers need to maintain a large number of staff, in particular journalists and editors; their salaries and benefits, represent a large proportion of newspaper costs. No journalistOnsite interview, write news articles do not have a sense of the scene, unable to get exclusive news; there is no professional editing, compiling and do not have a standard layout; not experienced, professional capabilities and experienced practitioners, newspapers have less spirit and style. Once the newspaper standard, weakening function of supervision by public opinion, then society will have to pay additional costs. Nowadays some of the free reportOr a free news website, relying on second-hand information, or impact on the Grapevine, its authority is suspect, and must bow to advertiser interest. This "new" media, the impact of the reading habits of readers, media impact the function of supervision by public opinion. Media must charge to supply high quality products only; news cannot be free, only in this way will not become dispensableMaterial. Singapore website of Lianhe zaobao "morning news network", is about to start charging and markets mature, the information developed in European and American countries, established long ago read online charging system. Others:

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