Saturday, June 2, 2012

lifestyle Diablo 3 CD-KEY lifestyle - VOYZ

129823422051093750_36The 9,090 into shooting yellow real Countdown: integration into the campus element Chun chun: the 9,090 elements into campus. NetEase entertainment on May 24 reported that after successfully directed the film the six floor, say ' love you ' the break up of the perfect wedding clothes after the fallen tears, famous Hong Kong director Wong Chun chun will star new works hand in hand with the 9,090. This time the yellow real topic involved in the generation, will continue to carry forward its realistic shootingStyle generation groups, with a view to creating a true representation of youth of generation life movie. This is Wong Chun chun and were transferred to the Mainland's first work. Chun chun work is certainly an acute eye really is the current Chinese movie market yellow circle, one of the few young talented directors. Her 1993 visit to United States film department at New York University for further study, the selfProject of the year, the HUGO, was elected best student film at New York University. 1997 producer, since the editing and acting in an independent film of the left to buy road winning New York films of Anthology Film Archives new units. Return to Hong Kong in 1999, her Director's documentary ' the woman that modern womenNew York International Film Festival awards for best international film; yellow on the 21st Hong Kong Film Awards really won the award for most outstanding young Director; 2002, Wong Chun chun received the ten outstanding young persons award in Hong Kong. However, outside the subject to start with various awards, Wong is really is really the most valuable art and market. Since the industry, Wong Chun chun directed 10 films works, of which 9Book profit, part 1, creating so she can say is a rare commercial Director. In addition, as a young female directors, yellow-it really is with a fine view of showing work, meet the needs of young audiences, grasp the social issues of young, fashion, to lead the subject works. Star hand in hand and were transferred to the Mainland to create and experience lifeAchievement of Hong Kong director Wong really conform to the movie market development trend of integration of, transferred to a broader market. Shooting star reflects the generation of young people living hand in hand youth film of 9,090. When it comes to cooperation with mainland film companies, Chun chun says: "each Director's expectations is one of the largest that can be rememberedGood film. When I was in Hong Kong films, will progress well in time, can't wait to 24-hour work day and night, a a rapidly, and many of in the Mainland would be fine, because both sides wanted to make something good of expectations, I feel that the Mainland side has a heart passion and dedication of the film. "During the movie choupai, Director Huang Zhen really living in the Mainland, and the young generation"Zero distance "contacts to personal experience wow power leveling, understanding of life and spiritual world of the young generation. Huang Zhen really honest on "generation" is interested in, she said: "the generation of life, language and thought are different, but in fact when we were young rebel, only generation in different ways. Each of you is the pursuit of dreams, is worthy of advocating that young spirit.I want to use your own unique style performances feel, created the works resonate with audiences. "The integration into the campus of 9,090 elements show topic generation young Chun chun 2010 movie the break up that love you, tells the love story of the localization of a very little upward mobility of Hong Kong men and efforts to advance women in Hong Kong is the Hong Kong YouthA true picture. The unique realism of shot obtained praise from all circles. For this time the shooting of 9,090, Wong Chun chun said, will continue to carry forward this photo shooting techniques TERA Gold, and real emotion and life in the world State to reproduce the generation. Film of 9,090 stories tell the young generation of youth. Chun chun Director said, the movie involved in the generation ofQuestion, will contain elements on campus, she said: "generation is a very young group, part of campus, some recently graduated into the community. Therefore, school culture is an integral element of generation groups, will be a true representation of their topic of interest, lifestyle, and so on. Generation always stand in the forefront of fashion and pop culture, will lead a big generation youth binge."Experiences in Beijing Diablo 3 CD-KEY, Chongqing, Shanghai, and other actors after the recruitment activities, Countdown to movie into shooting the 9,090. Others:

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