Tuesday, March 27, 2012

diablo 3 gold Blue Shield - MNU

129764786847031250_177Although management has repeatedly emphasized that in the near future, "fried new" risk, but 3.15 days listed 3 of gem IPO has faced only FRY, is fried unbroken March 15 by temporary suspension of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, Shanghai and Shenzhen stock markets are still vulnerable to adjust posture, both closed down. In this market environment, 3 new shares has been funding the gem setIn the sought after. As at the close yesterday, 3 second board shares rose more than 50%. , Blue Shield shares rose rose rose 74.71%, Riyadh, 93.63% network 56.13%. Worthy of note is, opened 3 new listings were one after another within 6 minutes after the temporary suspension, until the resumption of only 3 minutes before the close, trading hours are less than 10 minutes a day. CommissionMeter display, 3 new listings were listed yesterday for the turnover of the gem brought 50.4 million shares. In fact diablo 3 gold, last week listed on the Shanghai and Shenzhen stock exchanges have issued new shares after you temporary suspension from the first day of the new rules, new stir momentum dissipated and no obvious. On Thursday and Friday on a total of 6 listing new listings, compared to yesterday's closing price and the issue price, Trojan is the most liberal arts bio, per cent77%, gain a minimum of shangzhengsuo large stocks of listed building in China, due to the continuous decline after the listing, yesterday's closing price is higher than the issue price 7.4% only. Maximum Tay Bridge in exchange rate, exchange rate is 300%; minimum of built in China, exchange rate is 156%; listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange's new stock exchange rate is more than 200%. So tiredGauge rises and the exchange rate, the performance of the new shares is not worse than prior to the implementation of the new deal. Listed on the curb excessive speculation yesterday 3 new listings, 365 network share price was 34, Liard, Blue Shield, 16, 16, 2011 after the release of static was 25 times times forward earnings, 28.57 times times, three times. As early as theThese 3 new listings when you make a purchase online, industry sources pointed out that, Blue Shield shares, Liard good texture, 365 network medium texture; Riyadh, 365 network pricing is high, Blue Shield shares priced reasonable. Good texture, plus reasonably priced, make the Blue Shield shares yesterday new shares with the highest gains. Joint huatai securities analyst Cheng Yan said: "since February second half, Listing new shares, eye-catching, significantly ahead of market expectations, but released following the Shenzhen Stock Exchange stock market debut after the temporary suspension provided, shangzhengsuo also issued new rules to curb IPOs wok, so the listing of new shares in the future gains will fall on the first day. "Yesterday, a large financial site on the BBS in China, one of the users involved in the IPO investment out" fried new"Why" is currently undervalued blue chips have no signs, limited funding to promote its share price up sharply. Therefore, we only select low price-earnings ratio is relatively reasonable in the market value of new investments. Now, the suspension alone is difficult to curb speculation, estimated 3 not only in the short termSo be strong. "The regulation more stringent in view of the recent" hot new shares "in the short term to cooling, market participants expected, management will introduce more stringent measures to curb excessive speculation in the market. On March 15, the Chinese securities investors protection put forward by the Council in response to friends during the two sessions, head capital markets issues, pointed out that for existing shares systemExisting problems and reform of the Securities and Futures Commission will take steps to promote, from the four-pronged: first, starting from curb excessive speculation, investor education and risk revealing work, developing investors of appropriate systems. At the same time, on the phenomenon of excessive hype of new shares, which follow the bad behavior, to be based on actual, take targeted measures to counter. Two sound stock marketInternal mechanism through deregulation, reducing unnecessary administrative interference, strengthen market discipline, for issuers, intermediaries and investors return to do his duty. Third, promoting more institutional investors into the IPO market, lead in balancing the risks and benefits of long-term funds on the basis of their active participation. Four were issued in regulation to disclose information on the core and improve transparency. InMeasures diablo 3 gold, will increase in the near future the buyer and dealer pricing and responsibilities, improve stock liquidity tera power leveling, strengthen the supervision and constraint on pricing, strict implementation of the responsibilities of all parties involved in suspected of "conspiracy" and the manipulation of the acts punished in a timely manner. Cheng Yan said: "current IPO price signs of gradually higher and regulators introduced a series of tough measures,Reform programme and the IPO system ready, it is recommended that investors remain cautious of new shares. "Online statement Gold: Gold-line reproduced above, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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