Saturday, March 31, 2012

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129773438605312500_143United States pension money targets US $ 2 million, financial stocks snap play specialists: target or 2 million yuan in China, combined with the country finance and investment "the United States after the Endowment targets should be set at $ 2 million? "Yesterday, related to an article originating from Los Angeles, United States after the rainy day investment survey articles providing for the aged given rise to heated debate financial sector.Article reference: 77% investment consultant recommendation after the pensions should aim at US $ 2 million, and after the investigation on investing habits and attitudes are included. Conclusions have no significance on China's generation y? One financial journalists invited back funds from Wall Street analysts and senior expert comments on the comparison of the old-age insurance (referred to as Li Ping, respectively, bearComment on). A beautiful old-age targeted $ 2 million after the draw: or 2 million RMB in China "survey" according to money magazine reporter from Los Angeles to the United States after the rather than a rich night of the month earn 2 million investment and 500 retirement, 2010 226 Scott securities investment adviser participated in the relevant United States prepared by the pension after the investigations, including77% investment consultant recommendation after the pensions should aim at US $ 2 million. United States financial experts believe that after the while still young, but do long-term considerations for retirement is the time to start. "Reference index" ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆ "comment on Li" in the United States nine years of life, served in a rich Wall Street hedge funds Chief Investment Analyst Li June overseas think, The target for United States everyone else may be a bit high. How much is enough in retirement? United States village and New York are not the same. Even by New York standards, assuming personal life of 90 years of age, after retirement from 60 years of age 30, more than $ 2 million dollars is equivalent to more than 60,000 a year, prices are now more than enough--United States General Office workers family income is 4-$ 50,000, to pay taxes, retirement insurance for personal cards available which is $ 1000 per month or so. If target put $ 2 million in China, even taking into account the consumption level of first-tier cities, on the premise of basic health care, social security, clearly high. "Reference index" ★ ★ ☆☆☆ "bear on the" Nanjing, one of the first foreign insurance agents, insuranceXiong Yong, head of third-party insurance agency shares the view that this target is equivalent to nearly 13 million Yuan, is not in line with China's national conditions. But if the target is 2 million Yuan, after that on many 70hou-80, belonging to the operational objectives. As a veteran of 10 years experience, Xiong Yong to the case touched a rough statistics found thatAfter 60hou, 70hou purchase of old-age insurance, about 120,000 years payment. After the year to pay $ 6-8 thousand. General old-age insurance payment period is 20 years, retired about 300% of the total premium which may be of interest. In other words, suppose one after the average old-age pension insurance has a total premium of $ 0.7x20 = $ 140,000, his entitlement to old-age pension totals about 4About 20,000 yuan. If the pension insurance data as the first-line after the reserved one, may range from 2 million target, require additional investment channels for achieving wealth. B United States financing proposed investment and achieve the goal of the Division of China can learn from its concept but be careful "survey" how to get started? United States financial experts believe that a person's life savings of $ 2 millionIs difficult, but if you use the saved money for investments, maybe it's not a particularly difficult thing. Monthly investment, and appropriately increase investment is the better choice of pension reserve funds. If $ 10,000 base, invested $ 1000 a month, 3% rate of return each year by the financial markets, after 40 years, funding of up to $ 961,525. If each$ 1000 month investment, returns as the 7%, after 40 years, funding of up to $ 2,803,239. Investment capital of us $ 490,000, investment income of USD 2 swtor gold,313,239. "Reference index" ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ "Lee comments on" Li June believed that United States divisions on the calculation of return on investment and 40 years of financial management is the basic set up, by 8%Look, almost 9 years to double. But he reminds everyone that 8% 's return on investment is more "upbeat" hypothesis--United States stock markets over the past 100 years, the average annual returns with dividends, it was in the 5%. He fully affirmed the "compound" value: returns must be better than the input, and too many young people not saving, investment and more suitable. "Using theIndex of "★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆" bear on "West tells us that there are two ways to make money: first, people make money; the second, money begets money. Chinese people used to rely on the former, thought only doing business will be "money begets money". In fact, money is "money begets money" means. But the idea began in the recent 10 years for ordinary people know. From the boot "money begets money" concept,3 stars. In terms of investment may differ. C investment shortcuts: 401K, stocks not in line with China's national conditions more difficult to practice "investigations" in the past 10 years after the ups and downs of the stock market and the economic crisis have a psychological impact. But new research shows that after the more favored the stock market investment options. United States after the most important investment instruments is the use of publicDivision of 401K retirement fund into the stock market. According to United States employee benefit Research Institute survey, 2010, over 80% after the 401K retirement account funds are invested on the stock, and in 2000 of more than 20 young people only 70% 401K retirement account funds invested in stocks. 2006 Congress passed laws allowing employees at 401 k on pension fund investment objectives, investment modalities, the prime of life when a large number of investors to invest in high risk stocks, the closer the retirement portfolio more conservative. According to statistics, young investors to 90% in more than 20 years of portfolio investment in equity, 10% invested in bonds. By 2060 when they want to retire, portfolio investment accounts will be transferredHalf of stock and bond investments, risks are significantly lower. "Reference index" ★ ★ ☆☆☆ "Lee comments on" United States pension is divided into two blocks, some 401K, personal pension, retired out; the other part is the government pension. The former due to the more stable income, investments amount to everyone has limits. China's old-age pension is similar to the latter,Has not yet been formally invest in the stock market. So that after the short term is difficult to have practical experience in China. However he personally believed that longer term pension market is not a bad thing. "Reference index" ★ ☆☆☆☆ "bear on" Sino-US stock markets are completely different. United States stock markets belongs to the mature markets, investors can invest in really good company for long-term wealth value and risk of China's stock marketIs too big. Therefore, this data may be in China at present is upside down--80% after the, not spend their pension money trading stocks. Perhaps by way of saving financial products and real estate investment on China's generation y is more suitable. D 71% from consumption to saving the State of us view of life has been at its forefront be carried forward "survey" 71% surveyed after the representation of their healthLive view from consumption to savings and investment, to enjoy life transformation in the direction of the groundwork for the future. 52% generation y increasing emergency money and investment in personal savings accounts. 38% 80 of an exclamation point after saving money is a tough one, but the increase is quite easy. Generation y in more than 40% on the cost of living has increased each year. "Reference index" ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ "comment on Li"How much money to invest in generation y should come up? Online there is a saying that one-third should be for fixed income, there was one-sixth. Li June believed that young men idle cash in addition to the basic living expenses and on outside income to deposit 6 months-1 year, other long-term investment as possible to prevent devaluation of the currency. He introduced diablo 3 gold, United States financial advisor to generation y provides more suggestions. IfUnited States securities companies, private wealth management provides financial advisory consultants more generally and refinement, is specific to the stock market and individual ability to withstand the volatility risks, investments which varieties, which funds. Domestic financial advisor is designed for high-end clients. In addition, the United States young people risk appetite strong, not just limited to the deposit of funds, including stocks, bonds, gold, real estate,Balanced configuration. In his view, the United States this experience on the domestic implications of generation y diablo 3 power leveling, as his own investment fund in the United States, and gold. "Reference index" ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ "bear on" Chinese traditional habit is to save and spend, Americans are overdrawn again and again after. West by the 2008 financial crisis began after accepting financing mode in the East. To graduate young people, It should not be too clean, develop good savings habits and long-term investment, set the target as soon as possible is very important. (Editors: Zhang yaoxue) Others:

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