Friday, March 23, 2012

diablo 3 gold - PVX

129756711463750000_523"Women Festival" came on her driving topics, naturally there. In the eyes of many male drivers, female drivers sometimes as "road killers": response slow, poor technology and accidents. In particular, driving on the road out of the scandal, the vast majority – a few days ago with a woman, Xiaoshan have a female driver, put the car into the Lake for no reason, even the WebA woman driving to make a fool of oneself-specific video highlights, were widely circulated. Women driving than men? On this subject, reporters found in Hangzhou high speed traffic police traffic police and, respectively. In fact, in the eyes of the police, is a group of female drivers: driving and sometimes "minded", love made some small mistakes. But overall, female drivers more compliance law, and thereforeLow probability of accidents. Driver meeting two female drivers a head-on accident with this was a couple of days ago, in Hangzhou, an accident occurred: at midday, on a not wide roads north of Hangzhou, two car "bang" crashing together, passers-by crowd. Oh gracious, how badly hit, two hood of the car, hit open, one of the cars, front bumperOn the ground. After a few minutes, two taxi drivers who, before slowly walking down from the car--are young female drivers. On their face, are filled with a surprised and dazed, until someone in the crowd shouted "express police", before going. Traffic police have to, investigate the scene of the accident – strange! Two cars collided head-on, even brake marks could not be found. Legislators are such a large car head-on collisionOpen, is not stepping on the brakes. Traffic police drivers to take home two notes, one asks the cause of the accident, traffic police have to laugh or cry. Two female drivers to say almost unanimously – why didn't she let me? It turns out that both of them are taken for granted, opposite to the car will keep, who do not have brakes on sth For female drivers drive, Hangzhou high speed traffic police encounter "scandal" does notSmall – a few days ago, new King-hang on high speed, a car stalled "PAWO" on the high speed, the driver called police. Police went to the scene and saw a luxury brand car, alone parked on the roadway. Door not lock bags placed under the cab seats, nor are there any warning labels in the rear of the car. Woman driver said, the car is broken. Traffic police check, wants, Which are bad, simply ran out of gasoline--driver thought, remaining oil can turn into the service area, but estimated "mistakes". See car stop, woman driver subconsciously believes that "broke". Traffic police statistics that six errors, female drivers love making a woman running, the scandal did. Hangzhou Hangzhou high-speed traffic police, traffic police detachment and detachment, respectively on women drivingIn urban areas, the speed on the road, most prone to making errors of the statistics. As a female driver, do not know that such "mistakes", you made it? Driving in urban areas tera gold, female drivers love committed errors: 1. inadequate estimates diablo 3 gold, scratch and bumper obviously insufficient space between two cars, driver tried to squeeze past cars, results wiped; or, two large enough distance between before and after,Female drivers are afraid to go in Sth Compared to male drivers, female drivers to the grasp of spatial distance is less. Sometimes, a seemingly difficult high "action", also can cause scratches in the car. 2. in case of emergency, easily rattled the accelerator when the brakes, brakes when the pedal stepped on; scratch on the left, direction of play, lead to scratches on the right. These are female drivers in urban roadThe road diablo 3 gold, often make errors. Sometimes, in the event of an emergency, female drivers easier than the driver panicked, resulting in "steps one step wrong, wrong" could lead to even more serious consequences. 3. loves to make herself up, doll hanging full of cars, wearing high heels affect the safety of beauty, everyone has. However, in the car "to make herself up", is not necessarily a good thing. Rear window filled with dolls, frontWind before the glass, pendants gang, probably female drivers, everyone knows can affect the eyes, hinder security. In addition, wearing high heels, thick driving snow boots, even drove edge female drivers to start making up, traffic police are also met. In high-speed driving, driver error committed love: 1. routes are not familiar with, easily lost highway as stereo, closed roads, pavement referencesLess, the main reference signs and signage. However, the high speed traffic police often encounter, female drivers in the transportation hub will be lost, the car stops in the shunt on the island. Sometimes called the, and sometimes asked to get off the way, this is very dangerous. 2. the sense of vehicle control is not strong enough, easily distracted while driving, you should keep an eye on mirrors and rear-view mirror, when you pass next to the notes andRear of vehicle traffic, avoiding risk. However, once the heart, female driver for vehicle control, will be worse. The other night around 10 o'clock, G91 Hangzhou Bay ring road on high speed, one of more than 50 years old woman driver, driving edge call, the results hit the Central barrier. 3. easy to tension, was driving too slow or too fast a lot of drivers are known,Not only has the highest speed limit on high speed, minimum speed limit. In General, the province around Highway speed limit of 60 km/h. However, even if the car is very well, sometimes on the high speed "turtle speed", while driving, also mostly female drivers because--nervous, afraid to drive faster. Sometimes, the female drivers because of tensions, Forgot to note the code table, fast car, speeding. (Trainee edit: Wang Chen) Others:

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