Saturday, March 31, 2012

swtor credits petrol - AZH

129773214324531250_14Multiple industries affected oil prices due to higher oil prices and higher delivery prices news and oil prices breaking or small car sales will increase after 8 20% oil "to stimulate" hit a year high in oil prices rise in the price of liquefied petroleum gas as much popular illegal modification of the business prices of oil to gas surge brought by changes in prices experts said the CPI rose 4% targets to achieveFlying oil prices broke the hearts of many. Private car owners who could not help but take a calculator, counting will increase if the price of oil is back up we have added over $ 3 diablo 3 gold, $ 4, $ 5 oilOil pricing mechanism of saliva. Naturally, this arithmetic is regarded as wrong by rigorous academics wide of the mark.  Perhaps the following arithmetic, more illustrative.  The author excerpts 2009 implementation of the refined oil price in China since the reform of taxes and fees, some figures of oil price changes, do some simple addition and subtraction, attempted to reveal the price of oil in which digital secrets. 12 5=17The solution: the arithmetic mean is adjusting the number, since January 2009 to the present, domestic oil product prices by 17 times, 12 of them up, 5 down.  "Rose fell less" confused the resulting. Key 9180-5580=3600: tons of this three-year domestic gasoline prices rose to $ 3 swtor credits,600. January 15, 2009 before the price adjustment,Gasoline price is $ 5,580 in March 20, 2012, national development and Reform Commission will tons of petrol price increase of $ 600, up to $ 9,180, three years rises to more than 60%. 39Control more than two months at a time. Conversion to a number of days, about once every 69 days. Actually, of course this is a matter of irregular, sometimes adjusted twice a month, sometimes several months before moving back.  However, almost as it relates to each raised twice to cut once. 125Times. International crude oil prices in the last few years of ups and downs, 2008 years had reached US $ 147/barrel. Select here on January 14, 2009, Brent tera power leveling, Cinta, Dubai crude oil at an average price of the three places (about US $ 43/barrel), compared to March 19, 2012, three crude oil average price (about $ 125 a barrel), three years of international crude oil priceTurned over nearly 3 times. 30-12=18 solution: the discussion here that China and the United States about the duty rate on motor spirit. In absolute values, United States petrol lower than gasoline retail prices in China, one reason for this is United States tax rates low. Allegedly, United States about 12% is the proportion of taxes in the price of gasoline, but the overall tax burden in China (including consumption tax, VAT, customs and other) 3About 0%.  Gasoline taxes are very high in most countries of the world, of course, even up to 50% per cent. 110-40=70 solution: here is after the price adjustment, gasoline prices in the world rankings in China rapidly elevating 40 places. It is said that countries with the highest oil prices in the world mainly in Europe, including Turkey's most expensive. China ranked in the middle.Is that before at this price, gasoline prices in China in about 110 place, adjustment in global petrol price list about 70 in the back row.  This data is only for reference, of course, have not been authoritative certification. 8.33-5.33=3 solution: the problem that is, petrol, 93rd, Beijing from 2009 up to date in all 3 dollars. In January 2009, Beijing93rd of maximum retail price of $ 5.33 per litre of gasoline is now $ 8.33, up 56%.  $ 5.33 is a three-year low. 8-7=454 solution: the problem from the perspective of arithmetic is wrong, but from the perspective of brain twists very well understood. Beijing 93rd gasoline from the age of 7, climbing $ 8 times on a 454 days, Rising from the age of 6 to 7 times with 540 days and reduced by almost 100 days. Analysis is that the era of China has embarked on a rapid development of high oil prices. "8", "10" or is it far? Others:

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