Monday, March 26, 2012

diablo 3 gold users form a good payment habits. Chang also agree with this - YEW

129757017014218750_16Google changes or shop name to increase the proportion paid downloads Many Android developers woke up and found that Android Market "no". Beijing time on March 7, Google's official mobile application software platform Android Market it was renamed Google Play Store and its scattered music Google, Google eBooKstore, integrated into the new platform. "Google to create atmosphere of user fees. "Art-vector consulting CEO Chang says, application in the Android Market for free, developer and Google is suffering, and the consolidation of content such as music, books, users have a better paying habits, joint upgrade users to the original AndRoid pay in the Market atmosphere. Mobile phone application platform creates a dream world in Shenzhen science and technology limited company CEO Chen Xiangyu considered that, after years of hiding out on the Google Android platform, now it's time to seek liquidation. Google is impulse? Google want eBooks, music, and other "content" to improve the atmosphere of users paying to download March 7Today morning, when many users habitually open Android Market, found the website automatically jump to a new domain name, Google also enables a new identity for the new Google Play Store. It soon attracted the attention of mobile phone users, many people praise "Play" more obscure the word "Android"Let people have an intimate feeling. Chen Xiangyu, however, this is not just a name change. In his view, the new music, eBooks and other content copyright of consolidation came in for the traditional record companies and publishing houses, these "heavy" compared to the original roots of App better, clearer copyright, users form a good payment habits. Chang also agree with this, and that thisPayment habits formed by the atmosphere, to allow developers to get more paid downloads diablo 3 gold, changes after Android Market domination, free application developers to profit of the embarrassing situation. United States survey research firm Distimo mobile application, by the end of 2011, application on the Android MarketReach 400,000, 500,000 of the number directly on the Apple App Store, but this is mainly due to the free application, driven "than about two-thirds free application". Distimo bring revenues to 200 top-selling apps, Apple's iPhone App Store revenue is about Google's Android MarKET 4 times. Application in the Android Market for free pattern of the subject, was trapped by most application developers face earnings. In the Apple app store and Google's applications are launched on a variety of individual developer Zhang Tao pointed out that, in relation to current Chinese Android Developers group, only about 100 people a little income, the rest99 it is difficult to make money, "downloads each month earn just a few dollars to thousands of dollars." A statistical view of AI media, China's 1 million mobile application developers, only 13.7% profit, over 70% revenue from Apple. United States investment bank Piper Jaffray analyst Jini��mengsite said that in 2011, the AppleFruit of benefits in application developers exceeding US $ 3.4 billion, and Google developers ' earnings are only about US $ 240 million. In addition to eBooks, music, and other "content" outside the increasing proportion of users paying to download, Chen Xiangyu also believes that for Google the has to flow to the first strategy of Internet companies, these "content" to join can let Google get moreUsers online for long, so as to generate more advertising revenue, was more valuable by their search engine based profit model. By Google Android system involved in mobile communication, is to offer your customers more mobile and display advertising options. In 2010, Google's acquisition of AdMob, to optimize mobile advertising. Last April, Google founders Larry�� Page since it assumed the post of CEO of the company, has also been sought on new services such as mobile network expansion. But Google January 20 of this year's fiscal 2011 quarter results below analyst expectations, which shares tumbled for the second day 8.38%. Chen Xiangyu believes that Google clearly wants to bring huge traffic faster realisation of the Android system. From "Union"To" zhangmen "? "Almost every major mobile phone manufacturers no longer rely entirely on Google Android system" "since the Google acquisition of Motorola's move began, Google's Android ecological concerns may strengthen control over the chain has existed. "Chen Xiangyu believes that" Union "color Android Market turned" zhangmen "Quality of Google Play Store, reinforces this point. First of all, this will be reflected in the mobile terminal link. Head of Google Android Andy Rubin (Andy Rubin) in the recent Mobile World Congress in Barcelona (MWC) during the said Android phones activated volume has amounted to 300 million, currently every day850,000 cell phones and tablet computers to activate volume momentum. But Chen Xiangyu believes that nearly every major mobile phone manufacturers no longer rely entirely on Google Android system, will increase investment in own Bada operating system such as Samsung, Huawei, ZTE, HTC will pay more attention to the Window of Microsoft Phone System. Chen XiangYu also believes that Google's Android operating system have underlying Root privileges, in theory other handset manufacturers its own app store and third-party stores all but Google around on the application of the verification, this is Google in the future to strengthen application of auditing on all Android devices, and laid the groundwork. To reporter Zhang Tao, current Android MaRket auditing applications are automatic machines, has a program for developers to upload application package is copyright, detection of Trojans and so on, "may have checked out, or check out". Bad developers may take this to steal user's contacts such as privacy, may also be implanted Trojan makes Android Market suffered from the user's question�� In addition to the official Google Android Market, other third-party Android app store this type of problem is even more serious. "The copyright of music, books, and other parties, such as the large record companies, publishers won't let their content be such accusations in the long run, this could force Google to enhance auditing for applications on the Android platformThe intensity. "Chen Xiangyu said. However, Zhang Tao believes that fail in the short term on the Google application in auditing there are signs of change, because the number of applications submitted every day is too much, and Google's culture so that it does not like Apple to manual auditing. Chen Xiangyu also said that, despite the Google acquisition of Motorola mobile, has strengthened control of the signal, it is believed that it will not letOpen source and open Android system return to a closed, "go, it's hard to go back." It is worth mentioning that, new platform also emphasizes the cloud services of Google, where Google Play Store purchase on audio and video applications, eBooks or will directly synchronized to your personal cloud, allowing users on any network can directly getCapacity. This is considered to be Apple iOS5 iCloud cloud services to follow up on. Others:

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