Saturday, March 31, 2012

diablo 3 gold The private lending Ordinance - QCE

129774178186250000_169 <a href="">diablo 3 gold</a>Circular of the State Council development and Reform Commission, the focus on the 2012 reform of the economic system of the comments a few days ago the oven. The document on reform of the financial system with a series of views, including the Nineth "speed up the establishment and improvement of macro-prudential policy framework established systemic financial risk prevention mechanism for early warning, assessment system, and disposal. Amendments to the General rules for loans, standardAll types of borrowing, reasonable guiding private financing. Promoting the establishment of deposit insurance system. "As well as the tenth" deepening the reform of interest rate marketization. " Imbued with the views were, released after two sessions throughout the country of the Government work report has also suggested that "establish and improve systemic financial risk prevention and supervision and coordination mechanisms, enhanced ability to resist risks. "At the same time," specification for all kinds of loansAct, and guide the healthy development of private financing. "The commitment of the Government to regulate private lending and financing to be sure, because loan" dice "effect, in the specification of the process, in addition to the revision of the general principle of the loan, the deepening of the reform of interest rate marketization and the establishment and perfection of the system of deposit insurance is also important. In recent years, the loan is "savageLong "macroeconomic policy stakeholders and difficult removal. In this round of monetary policy tightening in the process, banks often use quantitative tools, leading to Community funds tighten. At the same time, and rarely use pricing tool, leading to negative real interest rate term. As a result, residents of bank deposits, Bank funds transferred from body to body, from the formal financial system into the field of private lending. AndMeanwhile, the slow pace of marketization of interest rate further to a lot of money from the formal financial system is forced into the informal financial sector. Chinese interest rate marketization reform in 1990 's fast forward, but encountered some resistance in the past few years. It is said that resistance came mainly from the reform of large State-owned commercial banks, the Government by maintaining a certain amount of deposit and loan interest rates, maintenance of these banksProfit. No matter where resistance from interest rate marketization reform delayed reinforce the community of speculative, and hollowing phenomenon highlighted the real economy. Therefore, market-oriented reform of interest rates need to be a breakthrough, and once a critical breakthrough will make financial institutions more competitive market, the fittest is inevitable. At present swtor gold, China's financial institutions is not only "not"Or even" small fail ". Local government in order to safeguard party stability, even for very small financial institutions fail, secrecy, imposing an unnecessary "package". As a result, constraint softening, moral hazard is high. How to make the loser does not affect the financial order and social stability under the premise of an orderly retreat from the market? Deposit insurance system is when the kernel does notThe financial safety net. Central Bank Governor Zhou xiaochuan recently wrote an article called, "2012 national financial work Conference pointed out that the current conditions of establishing deposit insurance system has largely met, to seize the time to study and improve the programme more or less rules and organization and implementation. "In most countries and regions is to first establish a deposit insurance system, after the completion of marketization of interest rate swtor credits, or both. IIs expected to partner with the deposit insurance system of the country gradually establish and perfect the process of marketization of interest rate and, in order to guard against risks, are likely to be older than the marketization of interest rates achieved. Of course, before you disappear in the implicit guarantee of deposits, Bank and depositor risk awareness before change, perfecting the system of deposit insurance period may be longer. Financial reforms should be gradual, but the Lenders Ordinance, The private lending Ordinance, such as the loan of the General principles of law statutes amended or introduced sooner rather than later. They say loan sharks usually refers to a loan interest rate benchmark interest rate for more than 4 times, and in accordance with the judicial interpretation of the Supreme People's Court, this type of loan is not subject to legal protection. However, many people hold "from legal protection does not amount to an offence of" concepts of bolder release usuryLoan financing risk douzeng. Of course, strengthen the building of the legal system in order to regulate the civil loan, is not equal to the limit of its development. Not only the role of the Government should be reflected in the regulation, should also be reflected in terms of information disclosure, revealing the risks. Long term, the greater the longer the formal financial and private finance will become more and more standardized, commercial banks will become more and more market-oriented. (Editors: Chen Baolong) Others:

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