Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold 3rd car shake - AZL

129773438996406250_1166Report from (reporter Tang 旸) 3rd car shake, this year will be held today, due to the last 8 "sacrifice," to join, this month will be a total of 20,282 individual checking coding, the success rate for 1:47.9, creating a new low. According to the Beijing Office of Crashworthiness regulation management indicators introduced and audited as of March 8, 2012At 24 o'clock, two indicators applied for a total of 971,008 valid encoding. Verified by the statistics, 2,682 checking is not configured with a personal two-August 26, 2011 indicators and indicator for the current period, shake 20,282 individual checking code. This is also its own "sacrifice," checking indexes up to a month after joining, however due to shaking, the applicantGoing to increase the number of, the success rate remains low at 1:47.9. 8 last year of "abandoned," total, 18,186 accounted for eight issues before last year eight checking index 140,800. Today will be held this year, phase III car shakes. On March 27, successful applicants can be configured with passenger car indicator confirmation notice to the IRS tera gold, tubeSectors, such as the related formalities. Tips April 8 purchase required "renewal" April 8, car shakes, personal and effective coding through the "renewal" can automatically extend the validity period of 3 months. Overdue "confirm the extension", will not be able to continue to participate in the rocker, and need to reapply in order to participate. Revised interim provisions for the regulation of the number of small passenger cars in Beijing practiceEffects of rules come into effect since January 1 this year tera gold, identified the individual application code is valid for 3 months. Individual application code audit for 3 months from the date of its adoption, can only participate in 3 times in a row, shake, in a period (3 months) to "confirm the extension" at a time, each time to confirm the original validity period on the basis of increased after 3 months. How to apply for a "renewal"? 2012Applications audited before, January 8 through code is valid as of April 8, 2012, to ease the congestion of Beijing Web site at any time within the validity period, after login the system, click on the page "confirm the extension", valid on the original basis for another 3 months, that is, as of July 8, then increase 3 times shaking tera power leveling, the next and so on. A period of validity can only beViewed 1 times. After January 9, 2012, application code is valid for auditing by the 25th of the month to the 4th month of the 8th. Valid login system click on the "confirm the extension", valid as of 7th month of the 8th, the next and so on. Is not within the valid click "confirm the extension", you will need to "reapply" can't continue to shake. (Responsibility seriesSeries: Lv Yang) Others:

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