Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold of small dimensions - XJP

129773828095468750_23Who is able to achieve China's Siri NetEase technology columnist Ji Yongqing (micro-blogging) on March 22, four-storey Hall of National Convention Center, Beijing has more than 2000 people, they come to the University of fly "sound cloud" platform release to the General Assembly. As China's leading provider of speech technology, HKUST, Chairman of flying Liu Qingfeng attractions demonstrate flying their own application development demo version of product--"Rumor". He used his voice "command" smart phones, sending text messages, schedule, find restaurants and other work, even ridicule the phone "what can you do?" For this problem, mobile phones began to answer means: "I am inadequate to reflect on their own". All of this reminds me of the Apple iPhone 4S on yearSiri--launches voice services in Europe and the United States tera power leveling, many mobile phone users are being "molested" Siri for iPhone 4S for fun. If you just think of Siri as a toy, it would be disdain its epoch-making significance. In fact, Siri could change mobile Internet the future competitive landscape. Let us think, moving scenes and solid(Office or home) will differ. When you move it, you may be driving or ride, you have to focus attention on the way, you can make out of sense organs on the left ear. This time, the voice will be able to play a greater role. For example, under the impact of the Visual media such as film and television, as aVoice media broadcast would have been sentenced to death. However, recently on the media advertising market, growth of broadcasting is very gratifying. Reason is simple tera gold, although in the fixed occasions where fewer and fewer people who listen to the radio tera gold, there is a growing number of people on the move (to drive or ride) listen to the radio, broadcasting it reawakens the second spring. Therefore, in the areas of mobile, voice is a big business. There is aPoint, in a move state your portable is a portable device, of small dimensions, this device is especially suitable for voice interaction. Apple's launch of Siri, is want Siri to be the first mobile Internet portal to get wholesale information flow of power, just like Google did in the PC Internet. With the rapid development of the mobile Internet, whichAre also a threat to Google's position throughout the world of the Internet. The things to do, you first need to have a full range of voice technology, which includes technologies such as speech recognition, speech synthesis, this speech technology vendor that provides support for the Siri is the Nuance of the company. At present, Nuance has been able to better support English, French, Japanese and other languages�� And in the Chinese do best, is also the HKUST flew the from coming out of the University of technology-oriented company. Speech recognition is one of the key is the need for the daily sound after you remove noise, than with the sound characteristic in the corpus, and translated into the correct text. The past, corpus building spent a lot of time and effort that may require you to hire hundreds ofStudents collecting sound signals is checked against day and night. Fortunately, now that you have a mobile Internet. I noticed that not long ago, UC launches voice input functionality, sogou input method also has a speech input features. These voice-enabled input habit of launching will change the mobile phone users on the one hand, on the other hand through the friends of spontaneous speech input to help technology firms related to the finishGood corpus. Corpus once created, semantic understanding rate of 80% or more, also have a massive commercial conditions. This time around voice technology is the key point of the competition to establish technology platforms, and access a variety of applications. Fortunately, comparison of mobile phone users focus and concentration, and communication in General, finding a location, schedule, set the restaurantRelated to a specific application, which also makes it relatively difficult to reduce a lot of technically. Siri Wolfram Alpha hidden behind this "knowledge engine" company, with Google and other search engines for a keyword to the search pattern different from tens of thousands of Web sites, Wolfram Alpha by analyzing the questions directly to the answerCase. This question-and-answer approach more in line with usage of mobile phone users. Prior to 12,580, telecom operators, it was actually provide such a service, but a is algorithmically, another is through manual. I notice the flying partner of HKUST, there is also a known social questions and answers community. Of course, much of the cell phone userQuestion is not just to find out, but want to be able to get the services you need. At this time, you need to have vertical service provider in the field of. For example, ask your cell phone "Wangfujing, where to go? "Mobile phones must go through to guide for you, mapping service providers such as Kay LiDE, give you specific route, and even provides you with voice navigation service. So, who canSiri in China, the next step is the key of access as much as possible associated with the mobile Internet developers and service providers, resulting in a "voice supermarkets" to allow consumers freedom of choice in this market an array of services. It is understood that from the end of 2010 "sound cloud" platform later, HKUST flying partner is increasing very fast, there are alreadyNearly 3,000 partner, use the "voice" of the final consumer has more than 33 million. However, this is not sufficient to guarantee University flying "sound cloud" has become China's Siri. Not to mention Apple's Chinese Siri is eyeing ready to enter the Chinese market, Google, Microsoft, IBM and other companies have had in no way inferior to Apple's speech technology, heLacking is really just an extensive contact with Chinese consumers operating platform. Once the technology cooperation with local Chinese manufacturers of mobile Internet, has the potential to quickly seize the market completely. I also noticed, like domestic Internet companies such as UC and search dogs, have actually begun to voice trying to. Siri in China who can achieve?This has turned into a competition of the industry chain, in the long chain, speech technology, operating platform, developer platform and customer stickiness, are not limited. Rubric: flirtation SIRI do need a reason (for NetEase technology zhuangao Ji Yongqing, reproduced please specify source) about the author: Ji Yongqing is a former IT Manager world, lead author, NetEase science and Technology Expo,Long fixated on IT and communications industry trends, author of the world of Huawei, and the Wolf battle. Now NetEase technology rubric of "diagnostic IT company" column exclusive feeds and share with you all of IT enterprises in his eyes, let everyone better understand the concern all aspects of the business. Others:

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