Thursday, April 19, 2012

tera gold which provided monetary support for economic development - DCO

129788654657968750_25Economic downturn stock market risk capital guaranteed fund advantage mobile phone free April 14, 2012-China Securities reported Liu Yiqian view comments Liu Yiqian economic downturn stock market risks increasing economic globalization driven high speed development of world trade, by aLevel of hyper-monetary stimulus, purposes is widely around the globe, which provided monetary support for economic development, but also for laying inflation risks in the world economy. In fact, as the economy changes, currency risk made by the gradual accumulation of Super eventually lead to a crisis, crisis in Greece in the form of debt crisis set off, and quickly spread to the European countries, Europe and the worldCausing turmoil in the financial markets, the United States subprime mortgage crisis after the great threat to global economic recovery. Overall, the current grim international inflation, increased risk overall economic stagnation, which will be continued in the next 3-5 years. In China, global inflation and domestic labour costs increase the long-term pressure on domestic inflation situation, at the same time, the global economyContinued malaise led to China's export situation deteriorating real estate market downturn and decline in fixed investment will also be a serious drag on China's economy, China's economic growth begins to slow. Overall, the economic slowdown in equity markets risk tera gold, trends of investment opportunities in domestic stock market, index volatility increased, stock markets may be in the future for an extended period of time, toStructural and stage opportunities. Stronger market uncertainty on capital preservation fund great uncertainty of the economic situation at home and abroad, made investors forecast the future a trust, management put forward higher requirements of the investor, Investor investment value-target difficulty. In this context, principal security assurances can also stand a better chance of getting a good collectionBenefits capital preservation funds to demonstrate overall superiority, become notable investment options in the market. Capital preservation funds, refers to certain investment horizon, the investors principal investment by providing a certain guarantee funds. Capital preservation funds, through the use of fund operation of structural design of the product itself, keep net worth downside risks, the market fell anyway, when funds expire notBelow the break target. At the same time, capital preservation fund by the guarantee institutions (such as banks, insurance companies, large enterprises, and so on) issued letters of credit to guarantee, with legal effect. Maturity of the fund investors on the investment horizon, according to fund manager's investment results, at least to get a percentage of the principal. Of course, most of the capital preservation fund for share subscription and expiration only for capital preservation, Purchase, or in the middle of redemption after purchase shares are not guaranteed in the middle. After the failure of both the capital preservation in such a case, guarantee company faced bankruptcy tera power leveling, capital preservation funds will also have risks that cannot be guaranteed. However, from historical operations, as of now, the capital preservation fund in our country has not yet appeared in the capital preservation cycle net worth due guarantees cannot be achieved. Historical receipts, IIs now in operation of the capital preservation fund is due make a good investment performance, which some products rely on the underlying market to support, even in the break cycle of three years more than 90% investment income (which contains the capital preservation fund cycle in 2006, rising 2007 this extreme market environment). Even if part of the capital preservation fund 2008 year in the break cycleInvestment declines in extreme environments also get positive return, as investors realized the value investment objectives. Current markets and face greater uncertainty for an extended period of time to come, principal of the capital preservation fund can ensure that security, even predict failure, stock market up sharply, capital preservation funds can reflect a good ability to benefit, it is worth attention. Bond market faces an opportunityFrom the bond market, according to the State administration of foreign exchange on 22nd published data show that at the end of 2011, my balance is 6,949. $ 9.7 billion, liabilities ratio of external debt to 9. 52%, 20% below the internationally recognized liability ratio of security lines. This indicates that China's bond market issuance are still very healthy and security later. Judging from the bond market liquidity,Due to early high inflation had eased the situation, declining provides monetary easing of economic support, the current monetary easing signs begin to emerge, started to improve liquidity in the bond market, Central fall in interest rates in the bond market trends, investment opportunities in the bond market has already come. But taking into account the upfront interest rate products and high credit levels after a sharp rise inZhihou tera gold, interest rates have fallen sharply in the short term is unlikely, and the economic situation of uncertainty lead to a future filled with large uncertainty of credit products, investing in the bond market more difficult, which put forward higher requirements for bond investors. Others:

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