Tuesday, April 10, 2012

tera gold nuclear safetySituation remains serious. China attaches great importance to nuclear safet

129774149452968750_61CNS, Seoul, March 27 (reporter Zhang Shuo)-Chinese President Hu Jintao 27th in Korea for the second session of the nuclear security summit in Seoul, and entitled to the speech of deepening cooperation and improving nuclear safety. "In 2010 tera gold, the first since the Washington nuclear security Summit, countries in the area of nuclear security have made positive progress. But at the same time, nuclear safetySituation remains serious. China attaches great importance to nuclear safety, active nuclear safety measures have been taken, has made new progress. "Hu Jintao then specified that China made in the following five aspects and results of China attach great importance to the work of construction of national nuclear safety, nuclear facilities to check the security situation throughout the country, establishing a full range of training schemes and diversificationTraining mode.   Strict implementation of international obligations in the nuclear security in China, after amendments have been approved by the Convention on the physical protection of nuclear material and the International Convention for the Suppression of acts of nuclear terrorism, the strict implementation of obligations under the relevant resolutions of the UN Security Council. China's extensive international cooperation on nuclear safety, with the International Atomic Energy Agency signed a cooperation agreement on nuclear safety, nuclear in ChinaDemonstration Centre work goes well tera power leveling, built customs radiation detection training center.   China to ensure that large-scale public activities on nuclear safety, ensure that the Shanghai World Expo, Guangzhou Asian Games and a number of major international nuclear security activities. China actively providing nuclear security assistance to the outside, providing training for hundreds of people in the Asia-Pacific region more than more than 10 countries, to the International Atomic Energy Agency's nuclear security-basedGold donations, to support capacity-building in China and other countries on nuclear safety in Asia. Hu Jintao said that in the future, China will strengthen the nuclear safety measures, improving the overall level of nuclear safety, model Center on nuclear security in China's efforts to build regional centers, deepening cooperation with the International Atomic Energy Agency, and actively help the needy country of HEU research reactor transformed, and with theCountries share China's accumulation of experience in large international activities on nuclear safety. Enhancing nuclear safety under the new situation, Hu Jintao put forward the following four-point proposition first, adhere to scientific and rational concept of nuclear security, enhance confidence in the development of nuclear energy.   To address nuclear safety risks, enhance safety and reliability of nuclear energy to promote nuclear energy security, sustainable development. Second, strengtheningCapacity-building for nuclear safety, assume State responsibility for nuclear safety.   Establish and improve the legal and regulatory framework for nuclear safety, strengthening the construction of nuclear emergency response team, increasing investment in research and development, strengthen staff training. Third, the deepening international exchange and cooperation, enhance global nuclear safety standards. Promoting the universality of the international legal instruments on nuclear safety, to promote nuclear safety standards and norms to help developing countries raise nuclear safetyAll skill levels. IV, specimens balanced, comprehensive management, eliminate the causes of nuclear proliferation and nuclear terrorism.   Adhere to the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, insist on mutual trust, mutual benefit, equality and coordination of the new security concept, adhere to the peaceful settlement of hotspot issues and international disputes, to strengthen nuclear safety and create an enabling international environment. Chinese President Hu Jintao, and Korea President LeeMingbo, and United States President Barack Obama, Russia President Medvedev, Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, India Prime Minister Manmohan Singh, Thailand Prime Minister yingla, leaders or representatives of 53 countries, as well as the United Nations, the European Union, the International Atomic Energy Agency, 4 heads of international organizations such as Interpol, attending the nuclear security summit in Seoul. After the Washington SummitContinued meeting, since the Seoul Summit will review the 2010 progress achieved by the international community in the field of nuclear safety tera power leveling, focusing on the strengthening of national measures and international cooperation on nuclear safety issues. Communiqué of the Summit, reaffirming the commitment of leaders of nuclear security and to propose specific measures for strengthening nuclear security and deepening international cooperation. () Others:

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