Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold reduction of amount of $ 6.128 billion. During this period - LYV

129771798774624810_50Editor's Note: the data show that since March, shares a total of 103 companies released 271 reduction announcement, a total reduction of quantity of 571 million shares, reduction of amount of $ 6.128 billion. During this period, increasing exposure to notice only 25 copies, the cumulative increase 9.37 million units, with a total market value of $ 108 million. General statistics, including major shareholders, executives, industryCapital from a net reduction of amount of $ 6.02 billion since the beginning of March. Reduction of industrial capital flows return reduction of 103 companies publish notices according to, since the beginning of March, shares a total of 103 companies released 271 reduction announcement, a total reduction of quantity of 571 million shares, reduction of amount of $ 6.128 billion. During this period, overweightAnnouncement only 25 accumulated overweight 9.37 million shares, total market value of $ 108 million.   General statistics, including industrial capital, shareholders, executives from a net reduction of amount of $ 6.02 billion since the beginning of March. Reduction increase March indicates that the market is not clear though there are multiple sessions, but the absolute reduction of amountPer cent from February 18%, notice of reduction of total number of shares substantially increased 181 million shares last month.   Reporters noted that the published notice of reduction of 103 companies, gem and small accounted for 69. And small-cap stocks although volume reduction announcement is up to, but on a reducing scale, Board company is still getting a big head. Reduction of amount of more than 100 millionCompany 14, only o Yang Shu Chang (002245), bridge crane (002523), Bank of Ningbo (002142) shares, Hung Bo (002229), Tong-Yu heavy industries (300,185) is from the junior and the gem. Focused on the industrial capital of founder Securities Research (601,901) Song Yining, an analyst says:"The sharp increase in March after notice of reduction of large shareholders, executives, in weeks when statistical standards have been observed trends in industrial capital reduction of mass, in January this year a rare monthly net increase, and in February as the market warmed, again there was a net reduction of phenomena, does not exclude executives take advantage of phased reduction of shares rebound possible. "Rising stockAnalysis of Wang, Director of the Institute, which indicates that the current market environment is uncertain, major shareholders and executives sold their stock shows that demand for the company's future was not promising.   Some of the stocks rally after the lunar new year has exceeded a reasonable valuation levels, massive underweight and overweight is often the precursor of staged inflection points in the market. March in Shanghai and Shenzhen executives net reductionMore than 110 million units, according to statistics, since March of this year, total net reduction of 49.79 million shares of Shanghai-listed company executives, executives net reduction in total 66.62 million shares of listed companies in Shenzhen, Shanghai and Shenzhen Executive total net reduction of more than 110 million shares. This month involving executives of increase or decrease in unit a total of 102, executives to reduce number of stocks far exceed Gao Guanzeng stock number, siteFar stronger than overweight. Specifically, gorgeous family (600,503) the tragic ranks underweight among top executives 48.56 million shares to decrease, more stocks for the reduction of other persistent Tai Ai Pu (300,157), Hui long shares (002556), followed by (002459), Haining City (002344), Hung Bo share, Nanyang shares (002,212), practice (002137), the extension of new (002218), executives are super million shares to decrease, Nanyang shares even up to 10.25 million shares (through a block trade) to increase its stake, only cotton stock (000609) overweight more than million shares, while Qi Xiang Teng da (002408), Shiu Chi shares (002429), ZhejiangJiang Yongqiang (002489) stocks a limited number of holdings. Executives are closest to the company's staff, are more aware of the real economy to the actual situation. In General, Gao Guanzeng of mass means that recognition of the current levels of listed companies, on the contrary, it means that the valuation of listed companies on the high side. Recently, into the new year January, total executives NETMore than 16 million shares, reversing a trend of continued reduction of net since April 2009 Executive in early, this may to a certain extent, leading the rebound in February; from the perspective of historical data, in addition to the January Executive outside the net, are a net reduction of executives for months, downward trend of stock market run largely in turbulence. Especially into September 2010Since the net reduction in September of that year, in November, December executives are more than 100 million shares after 2011-downs where, in March of that year, in August and November reduction of executives who exceeded 100 million units, and stage that time happens to be market highs (huzhi are valued at around 2,800 points). After entering in 2012, a net reduction of more than billion shares, Does this mean that short comeback? Since last year, executives executives since last year net reduction of more than $ 1.1 billion share total net reduction of 1.133 billion shares (increase or decrease in the form of large transactions, agreements, transactions and secondary market transactions, not including bonus to go share capital as a result of the change) tera power leveling, related to stock 833. Specifically, silver-based development (000511) received the Gao Guanzeng 19.93 million shares ranked first since, suning appliance (002024) Gao Guanzeng 10.41 million shares was ranked second tera gold, xiake (002015) Gao Guanzeng 7.69 million shares was ranked third, arts shares (600,770), the new Northern (002376), Sun City (000671) 26 stocks such as Gao Guanzeng million shares more than underweight, Riverside Group (002244) reduction of their executives 66.7 million shares among the underweight list first, gorgeous family 48.56 million shares to decrease by executives ranked second, with silver Fleece (000982) 41.7 million shares to decrease by executives ranked third, kaidi electric power (000939), Vosges shares (002083), Nanyang shares, reduction of 27 stocks are more than tens of millions of shares, o ocean science and technology (002172), remote software (002063) tera gold, Anne shares (002235) of 144 reduction of stocks are more than million shares. From the perspective of stock market performance, Gao Guanzeng the stock market performed better than reduction of executivesA unit. More than 29 million held by Gao Guanzeng stocks, shares fell by an average of 30.76% last year, 174 were executives last year more than a million shares of stock to decrease by an average of 35.34%. More than 29 million held by Gao Guanzeng stocks stocks since the beginning of this year an average of 14.77%, 174 were executives have more than a million shares of stock to decrease since the beginning of this year the average rose only 1345%. Individual banks according to the people's livelihood by reduction of many Star Bank (600,016) and fund data display of the four seasons, released March 23 results, compared to the third quarter, Minsheng Bank was up to 9 in total, four quarter Fund jiancang (total:-65.0097 million unit), rich source, respectively balanced (AIJI, netValue, information) (-3.4031 million unit), and rich days Yi value (AIJI, net, information) (-4 million unit), and rich days into bonus (AIJI, net, information) (-2 million unit), and country cast Swiss silver innovation power (AIJI, net, information) (-1.8316 million unit), and Peng China value (-29 million unit), and rich days Hui growth (-6702,300 unit), Chinese incomes (-4.1151 million unit), Oriental strategy development (AIJI, net wire) (-50,000 units), the country's rich potential combinations (-13.9076 million unit). Where Peng value advantage four quarters last year with China Minsheng Bank 29 million shares to decrease sharply. By the four quarters last year, to 13 million shares of cmbcYu Peng Hua value advantage top holdings sixth, its circulation equity 0.5%.   Peng Hua Cheng Shijie advantage value Fund Manager, the four star offering Morningstar the Fund for five years. In addition, rich source of balance Fund Manager is Li Xiaoming, the offering Morningstar the Fund for three years and four stars; value Fund Manager for rich Tianyi Chen, the offering Morningstar the Fund for five years four-star; Rich days into bonus of Fund Manager for Yu Jiang Yong, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years five star; country cast Swiss silver innovation power of Fund Manager for Xu Wei philosophy, the Fund for public raised Morningstar five years four star; rich days Hui featured growth of Fund Manager for Feng Yonghuan, the Fund for public raised Morningstar three years five star; Chinese income of Fund Manager for Zheng Yu, the Fund for public raised Morningstar five years five star; OrientalStrategic growth fund manager Yu Xin, the Fund is a public three-year Morningstar five-star; for fund managers of the country's rich potential combination Zhu Guoqing, offering Morningstar the Fund for the four stars for three years. Others:

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