Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera power leveling 000 - GHB

129774133201562500_276"Optimizing billion building ecological chain, allowing flow of wealth to take the main flow! "A few days ago and a fascinating topic of comment will be held, Futian District, Shenzhen. Futian District people's Congress on the basis of extensive research visits in the early, carding summary area "million building" bottlenecks and problems encountered in the process of development, organizing relevant functional departments in charge of the Government, "million building" services executives, inAt Headquarters executives, two deputies in the urban area, face to face and discuss and discuss the solution to the problem.  Futian, district Secretary of the Communist party Standing Committee said Liu Qingsheng, Futian District people's Congress organizing consultation Conference, embodies people's Congress supervision over the work of the Government, is also a useful attempt and exploration of grass-roots democracy. It is learnt that road, Futian District, has brought together more than billion years the amount of tax businessBuilding by more than 63, the veritable "million building" 2011 year total taxes $, Futian District-wide tax accounted for 62.5% of the total. Turns out, building economy Futian sustained economic growth, as the "magic weapon". However, the "million building" related enterprises generally reflects, as "million building" in a highly concentrated in the central zone, resulting in"Million floor" staff faced "dining", "parking" issues such as these two big problems become apparent, in urgent need of the Government to introduce measures to be addressed. How to solve the two problems as soon as possible?  In the comment field, and relevant functional departments in charge of the scene to provide the solution. "Year launched two major food Center, solving nearly 100,000 people problems"Resolved white dining? According to the Shenzhen Futian Branch Secretary Wang Tailian introduced by the market administration, Center, Futian District, huaqiang North area, Terra, gold, feeding status in four major areas such as the following: CBD, Futian District, there are now nearly 6,000 settled in various enterprises, employed the white-collar staff to about 150,000 people, restaurants only 239; Terra existing market playersNearly 8,000, about 100,000 people in China, only 220 restaurants, canteens 2; Gold area of existing market players more than 1000 enterprises, about 20,000 people in China, only 8 restaurants, canteen 1; 18,000 huaqiang beipianqu various enterprises, individual enterprises 21,000, 45 professional market, China 1More than 30,000 people, the crowd of about 500,000, but existing restaurants is only 574. Wang Tailian said, this area given the large enterprises, in China is relatively concentrated, fewer restaurants, causing feeding out of demands. To do this, after investigation, Futian District, decided the recent settlement of millions of dollars building centralized regional dining three initiatives: first, buildingVertical large food Center, resolve the dining needs of different levels.  In the area under the unified arrangements of the Government, Terra, jindi industrial area, two large food Center construction project has been approved by the Government, and included implementation of livelihood projects this year as one of the ten items of private facts. Two large food Center Gold Crown Group and Shenzhen respectively (China) Electronics CoDivision of investment. Kanaji intends to invest nearly 19 million in gold Industrial Park building floor area of more than 4,000 square meters large food Center, jindi industrial area, it will be effective after the completion solving and radiation to the Center, providing quality catering service in China for nearly 50,000. Crown company invested more than 6 million Yuan to build a gross floor area of 3,000 square meters in the pantryHeart, and properly resolve brunch problem, tairan industrial park of about 40,000 people. It is learned that, two large food Center is working to promote, and strive to put into use by the end. In addition, Futian cultural and creative Park is also expected to Chee Hao restaurant in feeding and transport enterprises in the near future science and technology agreement, intended to draw a catering Center the construction of nearly 1300 square meters area, can effectively address regional and CenterDining area of 30,000 people problems. Secondly, encouraging enterprises to set up canteens, and continually enhance the feeding ability. Advocates have the strength, conditional tenancy of the enterprise's own extension dining room or, increase the feeding area and the number. Center of China Mobile, China Unicom, Yee King company built its own canteen in Center City at the same time, also address the other buildings in China settled in dining.After much effort, area eatery there has been a noticeable increase in the number, there are canteens, 374 new canteen 33 since 2010. In addition, Futian push "white package", construction of buildings for the food network. In 2010, 10 Chinese companies and selected 5 66 of the fast food chain store operation "white package", in the House of Government on 10Food enterprises granted the "white-collar recommend unit." Some restaurants also undertake social responsibility; property company initiative to make dozens of square meters of the building area of fencan district; the Center district, huaqiang beipianqu aroma restaurant, Shun Ming Kee Restaurant, open the area many restaurants have taken the initiative, operation of affordable business packages or offers tea, takeaway service. Futian District PortalStations opened up "white collar feeding network", to open the reservation phone number, address, and other information, orders for consumer autonomy, to understand the consumer. It is learnt that, in order to encourage multi-channel resolve the dining problem of business premises, Futian area Committee District Government also launched a related preferential policies: owners or property management enterprises to invest in new, rebuilt staff dining restaurant or public place, according to the actual vote10% investment amount, maximum funding of $ 600,000; owners or property management enterprises in building brand restaurants to provide meals, can give the branded food and beverage Enterprise 3 year $ 50 per square metre per month in rent subsidies, subsidy area up to 500 square metres. "" Territorial planning Commission revision of relevant policies, improve the configuration of parking space on the line "How to solve the central area "Park"? Deputies, Futian District, Shenzhen, from the planning and land authority's introduction to Lu Yang, land and Planning Committee supporting batch out every building has parking spaces, parking space number, medium and with the standards of online, used in accordance with the "deep" support at the request of parking spaces, then development this is sufficient, but the number of cars in Shenzhen fastGrowth, land and Planning Committee had during the revision of relevant policies and regulations, and will improve the matching number of car parks in the future on the line. In addition, future territorial planning Committee also emphasized approval mixed with features, such as supporting a business tera power leveling, according to the certain proportion supporting public facilities, the approval process will be improved at a later time. Lu Yang said: "no matter how many parking spaces are configured, asFurther economic development, there must be enough time. So, promote all green travel, is the fundamental way to solve the parking problem. "According to Zhang Qingshan, Executive Deputy Director of the Standing Committee, Futian District, introduction, Futian District people's Congress were found during the investigation of a number of small open spaces, these blocks have not currently planning purposes, can be used to make full use of: groundBuild a small park, underground car park, sports can be built, the effective use of space. It is learnt that the integrated organization complete the Center zone, Futian District, huaqiang North Road transport hub and underground space development.  At the same time, promoting gossip Ridge area, step on, Jin Sha Tau area tablets area regional innovation, promoting the renovation of old houses such as Kang, huatai community demonstration projects. Surveys for dinner"Guerrilla war" parking take the patient's eyes looked at lunch time is coming up, white, as usual, from the company's pantry fridge out of the boxed meal they brought from home in the morning. He said that, while there is also a few minutes from work at noon time, he had to rush to a hot meal, or a microwave oven is used on many people, I'll have to queue up hot meals. Reporters followed him to the publicSecretary hot meal, sure enough, a slide row of boxes already in front of the microwave oven. White said that at noon each day the case, previous colleague on the heat as soon as the next colleague. Laugh at yourself to reporters he road, don't look at them every day and out of the central area of high-level office buildings, to be dressed to kill, but every day at noon for lunch, worry about what to eat. White lunch facing difficult situations, withMost common white-collar situation. Lunch, parking is difficult. Around 8 o'clock in the morning, from the provisions of the working time of half an hour long, Rong Chao economic and Trade Center in Futian central district city next five on the road, car has been neatly backed up with all the way. For car owners to work near this Mr Hu, daily parking difficult problems of origin hasLong time.  He said that, in order to account for a day to a roadside parking spaces, he basically every half an hour in advance to work around. Dinner and parking difficult, Mr White, Mr Wu, they present many problems encountered by the Futian Central District salaries of white-collar workers in the common challenges. Recently, the reporter Futian Centre District a representative office, visited for dinner and stopWhether the car things on people's livelihood, such as how hard it is. Through interviews, reporters found that present the challenges besetting the central working-class white collar for a long time, also needed to be addressed. Head of corporate human resources told reporters, many come to the Office to apply for white-collar workers, in addition to talking about salaries, are most concerned about is that at noon will not solve the food problem. Because most of the work at the center of a family Park, Has given up driving to work. Queued to buy the meal sacrificing lunch break in the modern international building, Miss yan told reporters of a trading company to work, lunch difficult issues in their eyes have become forever "pain". She said their companies treat lunch problems fall into three categories: those who own boxed meal, which groups mainly married; second class was fast food nation, single personMostly; there is one is the family of instant noodles. And she as a married person, now mainly rely on its own boxed meal lunch to resolve difficult.  "Sometimes is not easy", Yan Xiaojie said, she had several times because it is too crowded during the rush, boxed meal is packed, "very embarrassing". And work in the great China Plaza, high told reporters that now isHigh grade office building for safety and health reasons, they are not allowed to sell into the Office, in order to resolve lunch, "guerrilla", almost every day-for places to eat, "encounter queues, you have spent an hour, natural no lunchtime". According to journalists in the town center near the observation of several fast food restaurants, long queues is normal, queuing time at least in 5-8 minutes. Reporters found in field visits, Futian Centre District of catering companies, including Sichuan cuisine, Guangdong cuisine, Hunan cuisine and true, jiawang and other fast-food companies. "Places to eat a lot, but suited for spending too little. "Mr Hu is currently working in central area of modern international building, generally eat fast food all for around $ 20, if again with a soup$ 30. Futian Central District, journalists are often seen riding a motorcycle out, sold a box of out-of-the-box on the basket. Chen at the Civic Center of North German International Centre for work, he is said to have eaten here 3 years away, from the first saw the boxed meal pepper insect there is nausea, numbness when meals are occasionally seen in hair up to now, he said he had been accustomed to. "HungryOften can't control her so much, and was sent to eat.  "Whenever seeing the food with unclean things, Chen to" filthy, eating no disease "to laugh at yourself. Huaqiang North is surrounded by many large electronics shop, every meal at noon, many restaurants were full, fast food meals can be seen frequently in the street's shadow. Zhu hua qiang bei in nearby, when heMention dining questions at noon, even says "a headache". Zhu described, "cannot afford to hotels, Hua Qiang bei in some roadside fast food a lot, but I don't think it is clean, so now he is most of the time is near to some of the fast-food chain to eat. "Parking fees catch up to rent a single room according to CPPCC Member Zheng Zhenzhong road, Futian District, calculation, Fukuda about 2 million squareMeters of the city's central business district (CBD), Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center and more than 30 more than top-grade office space is located, and another major shopping malls, 4-star hotel 5, nearly every day millions of people in this business, shopping and leisure activities, calculated according to the ratio of 2% to, number of parking in this area is not less than 20,000 a day, serious parking spaces does notFoot, especially during the annual Convention Center exhibition tera gold, the situation is even more serious. Mr LEE said in the great building to work, basically as long as the 8 o'clock in the morning, free parking on the roadside stop, where there is no designated, as long as they can stop it are couches. His company's office building, parking monthly card to pay 1200 dollars a month, "Too expensive, prices catch up to rent a room. "Because his company Carrefour supermarket, next to the Center City, he sometimes in order to save some money, just before work in the mornings to park in the Mall parking lot, at noon and in the mall to buy fast food eating, the way to buy daily necessities. "Pinch point to market consumer, you can stop for 8 hours for free here. "In addition, the journalists under investigationNow tera power leveling, not only from Monday to Friday working hours Futian Central District parking spaces are hard to find, even on weekends as well. Reporters in Shenzhen Central book City area saw last Saturday, just after ten in the morning, city on a three-way and four-way of parking spaces at the moment has intensively backed up with vehicles. Journalists ran into a owner who is looking for a parking space, high, he says of his book City of today is bringing their children to buy books,So early, but got a big ring or couldn't find a parking space. Gao told reporters that this area not only from Monday to Friday work hours too full weekend more seriously.  He said that because Lotus Mountain Park does not have a car park, most of the car owners to park here, before going to the Lotus Hill climb. Too full in the Center near Bookstore, is really not enough parking spacesDo? Center Bookstore security guard told a press conference, underground car parking spaces close to 1000, except for weekends, from Monday to Friday are empty most of the time. "Underground car park charges $ 5 per hour, maximum $ 60 caps. But due to owners free of charge, most owners love to stop at pengcheng road and pengcheng road.  "The Security said. Sound by creatingMillion building to build a high-end area, Futian, district Secretary of the Communist party Standing Committee Director Liu Qingsheng: building economy Futian industry high-end clusters sort out "high yield field", is the pride of Fukuda and business cards. Optimizing billion building the ecological chain, strengthen building economy, Futian implementation of Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government to build quality requirements is important form. In addition to optimizing the ecological chain, FredTin is also concerned about the social chain, with the pulling effect of building economic, high-end buildings each as a fulcrum to move across the area, by creating a million buildings, thereby building a high-end area, support, Futian District, future development. Concerned about the social construction of economic and management of innovation, consciously guide the evolution of building economic building society and construction lawTreatment of intelligent high-quality international pilot city. Policy services building economy improved as soon as possible, Futian District, Deputy Mayor of Xia Yang: Optimizing billion building the ecological chain, industrial chains, linkage, and linkage, enterprise linkage needs departments. Building, Futian District economic research for long, but for millions of dollars of building awareness and commitment to service are very strong. Before the District GovernmentSoon made a special trip to visit Nanjing and Shanghai, Hangzhou to study three, combined with the Government's suggestion, Fukuda introduced will form as soon as possible and relatively sound policy initiatives. Listen enterprises demand practical effect, Futian District, Zhang Qingshan, Executive Deputy Director of the Standing Committee: billion-dollar buildings and enterprises were creators of wealth, deserves attention and respect, with feeling for themProviding services and solutions. To that end, recommends that the Government take the lead overall, clear lines of responsibility and departments run the scene, face to face calls to listen to and feel the enterprise demands of government services through meticulous, practical results. As an important carrier of headquarters economy and modern services, as long as the ecological chain of high-end building optimization, wealth will surge flow, goodDistrict Futian's ideal vision of happiness on a step by step approach. Others:

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