Monday, April 9, 2012

tera power leveling the magazine Roundup" - KKX

129773810129062500_57"" Financial report "on March 27, published by the State Council on the implementation of the Government work report on views of the Division pointed out that regulation good monetary credit supply and demand, and maintaining reasonable growth size of the community. The opinions clearly, continue to pursue a prudent monetary policy. Total amount in accordance with the requirements of modest, prudent and flexible, taking into account the promotion of economic fast and stableDevelopment, maintaining price stability and prevent financial risks. Comprehensive use of various tools of monetary policy, regulating good monetary credit supply and demand, maintaining reasonable growth size of the community. Broad money growth is expected 14%. Optimize the structure of credit, supports the State's key construction, rehabilitation projects and the construction of affordable housing program to strengthen compliance with industry policies tera power leveling, there is a market demand of enterprises, especially small micro-Corporate support, and lower the cost of financing the real economy.   Continued strict control on high energy consumption, high pollution and excess industry loans. The opinion also argues that the Renminbi exchange rate regime, floating elastic currency is bi-directional, maintaining basic stability of the RMB exchange rate at a reasonable and balanced level. Development of the foreign exchange market, as market main bodyFor more exchange rate hedging tools, manage and use good reserves. Establish and improve the systemic financial risk prevention and supervision and coordination mechanisms, enhanced ability to resist risks. Strengthening the monitoring of cross-border capital flows.   Regulating the behavior of various types of loans, and guide the healthy development of private financing. Continuously optimize the investment structure. Maintain steady growth of investment, promoting positive interaction between investment and consumption. Seriously implementing theWorks to encourage and guide the healthy development of private investment in a number of opinions ((2010) tera power leveling, 13th), introduction of actionable implementation details. Strengthening the leading role of government investment on structural adjustment, key priorities guarantee under construction, construction projects, pushing major national projects under construction. Energy-saving, environmental protection, land, credit, security, quality tera gold, access andAudits, and strengthen supervision on major projects, especially the Government and State-owned investment projects, supervision, improve the quality and efficiency of investment. "Author: the magazine Roundup" (Editor: Xuemei) Others:

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