Thursday, April 5, 2012

tera gold and Robert Pattinson of the metropolis - ZBH

129777272082343750_10Opening of the Cannes Film Festival in May, "Twilight" lovers bring new movie premiere "Beat generation" adaptation of the film, on the road, Christine · starring Stewart new David Cronenberg film, metropolis, starring Robert Pattinson m1905 movie network authorized published on March 31 (compilation/He Xiao Jeremy Bentham) 65th this year France opening of the Cannes Film Festival on May 16. Despite the official line table to waitOn April 19 will be released, but what new is eligible to participate in the contest or the predictable thing. It is worth mentioning that, "Twilight" couples document their new film, Christine · Stewart (click to see Christine · Steven lust-film and video of the person to eat cake) on the road (On The Road) and Robert Pattinson of the metropolis(Cosmopolis) are likely to be in Cannes to premiere, and other well-known directors new films are all default to "seeded player", in addition to the above two, there is the IRA Kurgan transactions (Cogan ' s Trade). New work by the Director of yuehan·xierkoute of the dangerous road to an end of the legend of the wetlands of the build-up of Tom Hardy, and XI ya· Shia LaBeouf, warlords stars such as Gary Oldman acted, but crashes due to subject matter may move to Venice Film Festival; double Award winner of the Golden Lion tera gold, Golden bear of Terrence Malick's new movie the funeral (The Burial) was a love story works, consists of the actor Ben Affleck in Pearl Harbor, the United States, no country for old men are joining the wrong cast haweier·BADisposition beauty Rachel · starring weizi, who--as the last winner of the Cannes Golden Palm Award (the tree of life (film), Director, Ternence will fingernails, again carrying masterpieces to come. Actor tera power leveling, Ryan Gosling, the desperate last year of driving (film critic) tera power leveling, he also had the opportunity to debut in Cannes in a row, as long as this year he starred inThis part of the forest where there (Place Beyond the Pines) can be completed before the deadline prescribed by the Organizing Committee. Cannes Film Festival has always been a haven for art, this year will witness several successful veteran-out: France new wave standard-bearer on the left bank of Alun·Lei is the best is yet to come (VousN ' avez Encore Rien VU), the lovers on the bridge, the thrill of Holly wood, Director Leos Carax (Holly Motors), the resident Director of time Ozon, of the tour of the House (Dans La Maison) are likely to become a blockbuster in the Cannes Film Festival. In additionHave I killed my mother, Director of the zeweier·duolan part of the two-sided Lawrence (Laurence Anyways), the Director of laolun·gangtai between the walls of the bone fire burning heart (Foxfire), female directors Seal Mikania · weierhaidi of the confession of a century (The Confession ofA Child of the Century) are also expected to debut. Identified before messages are: Maverick genius director Wes Anderson after the Fox of the great works of the Moon Kingdom (Moonrise Kingdom) will serve as the opening film of the Festival, and DreamWorks 3D animationJuzhi Madagascar 3: fugitive in Europe (Madagascar 3:Europe's Most Wanted) held the world premiere at the Cannes Film Festival. Others:

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