Monday, April 9, 2012

tera gold intensified market concern about the macro-economic decline. In a conference call - XAB

129773984767968750_54CICC on Monday held a conference call this morning, on the macro-economic exchange in the second quarter. Wensheng Peng, Chief Economist predicted that economic growth may be lower than expected in the first quarter, 2012 GDP growth forecast cut from 8.4% per cent; slower growth in aggregate demand may lead to a further decline of inflation, the CPI forecasts for the whole year from 3.5% down to3.3%. Just released March of HSBC PMI preview marked down, intensified market concern about the macro-economic decline. In a conference call, said Wensheng Peng believes that from the perspective of consumption, investment and trade data, further slowing trend evident in overall demand. Per cent from the first quarter GDP growth is expected from the four quarters of last year slowed to 2% of, lower than previously thought1.9% per cent growth rate may drop to around 8.5%, lower-than-expected 8.7%. Bureau of statistics data showed that significant decline in growth in retail sales in January-February, major consumer varieties are vulnerable. Wensheng Peng believes that microdata shows the four-quarter consumption growth has been significant decline, retail sales figures failed to adequately reflect the weakness of private consumption. Consumption growth in the short term tera power leveling, there isSignificant rebound is expected March total retail sales of social consumer goods per cent growth rates rebounded slightly to 15%. "January-February fixed asset investment growth rose to 21.5% per cent in December last year, but mainly because of the strong real estate investment. "Said Wensheng Peng, housing sales and acquisition of land area per cent negative growth slowdown in real estate investment in the futurePossibility of large construction projects with a total investment of 1-2 month only 12.1% per cent growth rate tera gold, lowest since the financial crisis of 2008, is expected to March growth in fixed-asset investment up to fall back to 20.8%. Bureau of statistics data also showed that exports in January-February together over the November-December last year rose-18%, November-December last year30.8% per cent from September-October last year, weaker export growth momentum. Wensheng Peng believes that looking forward, global growth and differentiation, American and Japanese economic growth, European debt crisis eased, but the European economy a small slump unavoidable.����Plus the lagged effects of the appreciation of the real effective exchange rate of the Renminbi, expects export growth to rebound dramatically in the short term. In addition, said Wensheng Peng, GeneralUnder the background of slowing demand tera gold, inflationary pressures could further ease, March CPI is expected to continue edging down for the next few months will remain in-3%, CPI forecast cut from 3.5% per cent for the year. At the same time, financing conditions remained tight due to the real economy, monetary authorities are expected to by adjusting the proportion of supervision, including the loan to deposit ratio, promote monetaryReasonable credit growth.����Effective fiscal deficit this year is expected to expand significantly over last year, truly a expansionary effect on aggregate demand. Reporter Li Yuxin Sina declared: this message is reprinted from Sina media partners, SINA posted this article for the purpose of passing more information, does not mean to endorse their views or confirm the description. Article content is for informational purposes only, without frameAs investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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