Friday, April 6, 2012

tera gold including improving the legal environment of the art market - BAM

129773932911093750_66In 2011, the Arts Trust has become the investor in pursuit of a "Star". Statistics show that trust products for 2011 home trust company issued a total work of art 45, 35 compared to the previous years, an increase of up to 350% tera gold, at the Arts Trust issue size of $ 5,500,750,000, an increase of 626.17%. However, you end up with large amounts of capital to fry artSupport at the same time, also accumulating risks. Usufruct trust studios in the 2011 Arts trust in market development report points out that in the future not only to standardize the art market, but also in product design ongoing innovative thinking, form multiple investment hotspots. "Basic floating" bright spot in 2011, domestic Arts Trust market can be described as "wild rush".According to usufruct trust Studios incomplete statistics, total of 18 trust company involved in the issue of the year art trust, issued the largest number is thawing in the trust, issued a total of 11 products. Art trust products last year, the average period of 2.18 in 2010, representing a decline in the average duration of 2.5 years of 0.32, a reduction of 12.8% and art trustAverage yield of 9.86% in 2010, representing an average yield of 9.75% up 0.11%, increase of 1.13%. Benefit trust financing in the Studio analyst Lei Wenwen says 2011 art trust period on average, while average yields are slightly higher than the previous year. Partly because of negative interest rates lower prevailing interest ratesSo that investors favoured short-term products, resulting in trust products generally shortening the period; on the other hand, interest rates several times in a row have made trust product yields followed suit, giving art trust is no exception. Judging from the return type, 2011 art trust mainly of stratified basis, floating, and fixed-and floating-4 type. Where "base floatType "is a new type of return. Lei Wenwen says, this mainly refers to the return type of the new art trust on product design, using a fixed basis floating gains income and investment allocation, at the Arts Trust is an innovation in the field. Lei Wenwen says, as most of the art trust, structured approach designed to control risks, soTiered revenue product release more tera power leveling, and new and emerging "Foundation float income-type" products are also issued $ 8, namely, CITIC trust issue of Dragon hide, 1th, thaw thaw us series and founder of the trust in wealth of the trust issue in East Asia through the 1th. From the period type, still dominated by single, only Beijing trust release two products use the open period, set theOpen period for investors to purchase, redeem the trust shares, increase product liquidity can also better correspondence between works of art of the investment cycle. This is consistent with current trust term mainstream product design. Investment is the subject of "main" painting and calligraphy reports show, 2011 art of trust investment subject to painting and calligraphy, and issued a total of 11 products invest in calligraphy and exhaustSecondary investment targets for ceramic and porcelain, issued a total of 4 products. CITIC trust and Hua Bao trusts the issuing a new art trust investment in jade, as well as investing in Redwood, Shoushan Stone, seal, seals ivory and rhino horn, and other works of art of the product release. We can see that showed a diversity of subject options for investment and innovation. Lei Wenwen pointed out that last year's artTrust issue is no longer as 2010 focused on first-tier cities such as Beijing, regional characteristics are not particularly obvious, and also there are works of art in the Western region of Central Trust issue. Where art trust issued 27 in Beijing, 60%; issued in Shanghai, art trusts and 6, 13.33%; in XI ' an issue 3 art trust,Than 6.67%; in Nanchang, Wuhan and issued $ 2, 4.44% respectively; Additionally, Urumqi and Chongqing, Guiyang, Hefei, Hohhot, each has a product release. Statistical data show that art trust issue is still mainly to Beijing and Shanghai and other Eastern regions, but more Midwest trust company is participating in the work of art of the trust issueThis trust markets added to the local characteristics of works of art. From the monthly release of the 2011 Arts Trust data, average monthly number of 3.75, 2.92 more than in 2010, an increase of up to 351.81% from issue, 2011 issue for $ 122.239 million a month on average, than 2010Increased by $ 46.489 million, an increase of up to 61.37%. Clearly, the 2011 Arts Trust monthly on the issue both in number and size increase substantially in 2010. Number from the monthly release of the 2011 Arts Trust, trust issued from March to April is works of art and the establishment of the first peak, in the number and scale of highBit. May-July, largely in the doldrums. Again from August art trust issued a second peak. Art trust issue again in the IV quarter downturn, this is mainly due to the approaching end, less trust products generally release. Behind the hot risks accumulating according to the report, inspired by the new round of upsurge of cultural industries, was to "culture" for saleArt trust market booming. However, large amounts of capital in addition to impact on the art market, is constantly accumulating risks. Lei Wenwen says, in the general framework of trust, in order to give investors a guarantee, art investment consultant as fund managers also mining urged to vote "mode of operation" as secondary investor ", and as" priority investor "investmentSkin in the game, if a loss, first loss "secondary investor" funding part of. In addition to "vote", fund managers should use the "buy back" measure, at the time of the winding up of work still cannot be sold, at a certain price repurchase last underpin priority investor return. Art behind the high growth of the trust or the accumulated payment risk, as trust and investment advisoryAsk art investment company of flood-related. Lei Wenwen says, "art lower threshold for investment companies, often only 10 million or 20 million Yuan registered capital without trust funds just as a channel for art investment experience roles. Trust of tens of millions of dollars or even hundreds of millions of dollars, investment consultant only invest 10% capital, leveraged up to 9 times, which risk is self-evident, It becomes art trust factors hindering the development of. "In addition, the art market is also a high degree of aggregation of market risk, caused mainly by the following areas: first, the valuations of works of art there was great uncertainty. A formal and authoritative works of art "true or false" identification and independent, self, understand market dynamics "assessment" body is a work of artSupport to the preparation and establishment of the premise, but now the industry does not have a recognized and authoritative identification of objective works of art institutions, can absolutely guarantee that correct evaluation of art. Second, the art trust exit way is at risk. Art trust to deliver on value investments need to be eventually the realisation of works of art. Art is a system problem involving time, identification, channel, Saving, market conditions and other factors, which links the problem will affect the realisation of works of art. Exit mechanism is the key step in design art trust. Trust also in a closed period for the current issue of works of art, so the exit channel of inspection is subject to research. Thirdly, the art market is not sound, product information disclosures are not transparent. Due to lack ofPeople of art itself, the art trade platform for unified information such as registration information, is a lack of unified management of the art market regulators, which to a certain extent, conditioned by the Chinese art market development trust. At the same time, art unknown to our trust in the tax system and so on, subject is difficult to rule out the auction does not allow trading fidelity, trading is not transparent, asymmetric information, and otherRisk. Due to the high art of trust products constitute a copy, therefore cannot open the product composition. Mystery of art itself, as well as confidentiality requirements of the art trust, makes the event of investment disputes, how to protect the interests of investors is an issue. Art Fund investments should be "blooming" in 2011, the anti-inflation investment investor risk aversion, directly triggeringThe enthusiasm for investment trust companies issuing works of art, art craze in the market is attracting more and more investors into the art market of problems in itself, makes art trust high yield also represents high risk behind. Lei Wenwen believes that art trust hoping for a rapid and healthy development in the future, you want from the following aspects: first, the norms in artField tera power leveling, including improving the legal environment of the art market, to create good conditions for the development of the Arts Trust; establishing and perfecting the system of valuations of works of art, combination of capital and realizing works of art, art assets so that the trust companies can more accurately priced trust market system construction for the specification and development of Chinese art, introduced as soon as possible as to financing for the purpose of financialTax arrangements for institutional investors trading in works of art in the process in order to protect the interests of investors. Secondly, should be innovative thinking in product design, using a variety of additional measures to control risks, especially risk front such an important issue. If China can trust was released on September "oil painting Museum paintings collection of investment funds trust scheme of Imperial College" raise capital of 250 million Yuan. In this scheme, the publicDivision abandoned the market buying channel, but to employ Chinese Imperial College of Institute of oil painting and oil painting Museum, selected from the collectors by nearly 100 pieces of modern masters paintings, lower price than the market price of auction 20%, also in the valuation of over 80 percent, avoided the risk of overestimating. Finally, the Art Fund investment form multiple hot spots. Not just investment object and the transaction structure to diversifiedAnd at the same time a lot of money not only to enter the art market, you can also invest in enterprises, such as works of art, such as storage, insurance. Capital into works of art, concentration is too high, easily accumulating risks. Capital is more concerned about the cultural industry, and not just cultural products. In addition, with the development of domestic financial markets as well as works of art in the art market, investors should first correctly understandingArt trust and there is a risk of, and then select a suitable investment, to the greatest extent possible to avoid the risks and reap the benefits. (Spirit collection nets) online statement Gold: gold online reprint of the above content, does not indicate that confirm the description, for investors ' reference only and does not constitute investment advice. Investor operations accordingly, at your own risk. Others:

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