Sunday, April 8, 2012

tera gold 600383.SH - SOE

129773810139843750_80"Zhuangao financial network" reporter Wang Xixi since January, due to the continued downturn and inventory high, Poly, merchants, evergrande enterprises one after another started a massive price reduction promotions, a new round of price cuts sales surge come. Due to early land acquisition costs low, housing and enterprises still have a certain room for price cuts. Especially the sales of two or three-tier cities project price spaceIn the first-tier cities.   Experienced for more than a month after the price reduction promotions, benchmarking Enterprise volume-for-price effects become clear. 2011 most enterprises have a price adjustment of policies. Enterprises price strategy is part of the city at that time full range of low-price promotions (including new low price enter the market, old item price), or some cities some low price promotions. HoweverAnd since the beginning of 2012, housing price promotion by the enterprise of the city and the project significantly increased. Poly, merchants and other enterprises to develop the company's overall sales strategy, price promotions across the country and most of the company's sales in most cities project. Second, promotional policies more flexible. Under the Corporation's overall promotional strategy, the regional companies based on salesAdjust their sales strategy, avoid a "permissible". Third, price-off promotions become more diversified.   Developers often use direct snap up discounts, group activities, limited time, special housing stock, buy delivery methods, such as parking spaces, cash directly deducted. Experienced for more than a month after the price reduction promotions, rebound in February a number of benchmarking enterprise sales significantly. Poly, Fuli, merchants, andKanaji, in the sea of 5 developers link is a larger increase of sales performance. Among them, China Merchants property (000024.SZ), golden land Group (600383.SH), poly real estate (600048.SH) sales surged more than 1 time per cent. But February sales area only 2011 benchmark average monthly housing and Enterprise60% of the sales area. Focus group research center in Central Plains reviewed ten benchmark enterprises in February 2012, total sales area sales area in March, the company's share of the top 10 selling a total of 100 items. Monitoring data show, there are 47 current sale price of the item relative to its average monthly sales for 2011 has slipped, lowering market valueIt again.   Ranked top 10 in the sales area has more than half the price of the project than early fall. At this stage, benchmarking between the room rate price adjustments in 10%-40%. Which, with more than half of the price adjustment in the 10% tera gold, smaller adjustments. 32% project between price adjustments in to 20%, only17% price decreases of more than 20%.   Sale price adjustment of large developers, including f properties (02777.HK/02777.HK), China vanke, China resources and gold. From the price reduction project of urban distribution, between Chengdu and Tianjin become the benchmark for enterprise promotion is the most frequent place, assigned to the standard housing enterprises currently for saleItem sales price generally has about 15% down.   First-tier cities in the comparison of price promotion project of Beijing, Guangzhou, Tianjin and Chengdu, but the reduction in the price of less than two, between the 8% per cent. According to the research group of the Central Plains Center monitoring, since the beginning of this year, Poly, Fuli, China resources, branches and business function more obvious price promotions. In FebruaryAbove 5 benchmark enterprises in the sales area, price item on the current month's cumulative contributions to company sales were more than 20%. Where investment in Chengdu, Suzhou, Nanjing, Shenzhen, Tianjin and cut an average of about 5 sales project 12%, February sales area of about 5 projects accounted for 78% of the company's total sales area. Project especially Chengdu investment disaster Washington, FebruaryAverage prices fell in early 14%, single-month sales area than the up to 43%.   Due to the promotion of the project more, CR this month are more complex to hot, in three projects in Chengdu China resources company Phoenix, CR 24 city and CR Cui Lin Huating totals about contributions to the company had sales of nearly 30%. Announced the launch of a massive price cut in early promotionsAfter the activity, 139% poly sales performance from the sharp rebound in February. Monitoring data of the Central Plains, multiple properties of the poly in Wuhan and Chengdu in February sales were nice. Poly in Wuhan in particular words of the Mayflower at sea and poly Garden, combined sales of the two projects accounted for 16% of the company's total sales area. When the four seasons of these two projects in 2011Prices have been cut more pre-about 15%, adjustment of prices does not appear again in the near future. Sales slowdown in inventory at a high level tera gold, the housing Enterprise price pressure douzeng, reopen recent housing and enterprise scale major causes of price promotions. As of the end of February 2012, benchmarking enterprise sales item inventory relative to the end of May 2011 for about 60%. In the past 12Calculating area of mean monthly sales a month, current inventory of benchmarking Enterprise digestion time has increased from about 6 months of the end of May 2011 to January 2012 the end of 12 months, digestive cycle inventory turned about, and is close to 2008 during the industry's low levels. Compared with the end of May 2011, inventory of second-tier cities have increased 77%And three cities have increased 60%, cities have increased 39%. Two or three lines low land cost, price space is larger than the first. Group research center focused on investigation of the Central Plains from the four quarters of 2011 top ten benchmarking enterprises were opened 32 new projects, overall, benchmarking enterprises since four quarters last year opened land cost of the project is equivalent to the current sale price30%. City view tera power leveling, benchmarking enterprises in the cities of the land cost about 35% per cent of the current sale price, and cost about two or three lines of urban land price of 30%. (Securities market weekly Syndication) "author:" zhuangao financial network "reporter Wang XI XI" (Editor: quiet) Others:

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